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The following items are just some of the many successes we have had with the Confederation of Clubs regarding discrimination and governmental harassment.

1. The Sante Fe Springs Motorcycle Swap Meet, held at a drive-in movie that has other swap meets on different days, had a rule of "No Colors" (aimed at the colors of street gangs). The owner was written a letter and advised that if he did not take down the sign that said "No Colors" he would be sued and would almost certainly lose because California has the Unruh Act. Because of this letter the promoter went to the owners of the property and told them that they were going to be sued. He also told them that he would get another million dollars in liability insurance, increase the security by two guards and that he would take all responsibility. Bottom line - the swap meet changed it's policy and they even gave the Confederation of Clubs of Southern California a complimentary booth. Everything has been peaceful since then.

2. The Huntington Beach Police department was hassling bikers in general, and particularly, the Tribe M/C in Orange County. The Tribe a member of the Confederation of Clubs, brought it up at one of the meetings. The AIM attorney from Orange County made it a point to be at the next Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, got appointment with the Chief of Police, discussed the situation and things have settled down.

3. Members of the Vagos M/C, a member of the Confederation of Clubs, were denied access to the Loose Moose Saloon with their patches on. They gave the discrimination card to the bouncer who paid no attention to it. A Discrimination Report Form was sent to the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester, who sent out a letter to the Loose Moose Saloon requesting that they stop discriminating against people who wear colors. That was also ignored. A civil rights attorney in Orange County was hired by the Confederation, with the help of the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester, and began litigation. Eventually, knowing they were going to lose, the Loose Moose settled, paying all attorney costs plus an additional $2,000.00. The amount has been put back into the Confederation account and is now being used to go after other bars.

    By winning the settlement we can show other establishments that it is going to cost them hard dollars if they discriminate against patch holders. There have been approximately twelve other bars that have agreed to change their discriminatory policy after receiving the letter sent by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester.

4. The Newark police department, in Northern California, set up a "checkpoint" adjacent to the sign-in of the Fremont Travelers MC Fathers' Day Poker Run and forced more than 2,000 riders to run a gauntlet of police roadblocks. As a result 81 tickets were issued, mostly for so called "illegal" helmets. One of our AIM attorneys agreed to represent over 40 of the ticketed riders pro bono. A civil rights class action suit was filed and the case was settled.

5. Washington AIM attorney Marty Fox has sent a cease and desist letter on behalf of their Confederation, to the state Alcohol Control Department for harassment at one of the club houses during a patch holder party.

6. Sam Hochberg, AIM attorney in Oregon is currently fighting through administrative hearings regarding the Portland Police Department's designation of a member of a motorcycle club to be a member of a criminal gang.

7. All four Confederations of Clubs in Texas were instrumental in the unifying of motorcycle rights' groups in the state of Texas that resulted in the repeal of the helmet law.

8. Harris Taback, AIM (criminal defense) attorney in Northern California represented a motorcycle club member that was charged with "gang enhancement" for belonging to the club and he had the charge dismissed.

9. A motorcycle club was denied entrance to a California county fair because of wearing their club patch. The Confederation of Southern California filed suit in this matter and the case was settled. (Note there are currently 3 other cases concerning the same problem being fought by Confederations and AIM attorneys in 3 states.)

10. The city of Chandler, Arizona changed its' no color policy after a letter from AIM attorney Joe Eggleston.

11. AIM attorney from Oklahoma, Bill Hall, has filed suit on behalf of the Viet Nam Vets MC against multiple police agencies due to massive interference with the Turner Falls club run.

12. Law suit against police agency in Clark County on behalf of the Free Souls MC. Bar owners were told that, if patch holders were allowed in, 911 calls would not be answered, settled in the first week of trial.

13. Louisiana police agencies backed off of "No Outlaw motorcycle Clubs" (and sign removed) at large motorcycle event after AIM attorney explained the consequences.

14. Ontario, Canada AIM attorney, Jeff Chapnick, argued the matter of road blocks for the purposes of intelligence to the Ontario Court on behalf of the Satan's Choice MC and the judge ruled these road blocks were illegal.

15. AIM attorney, Randy Hammock, from the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester is currently handling 3 discrimination cases involving bars excluding various motorcycle clubs from southern and central California. These cases are now pending in the California Court of Appeals.

EASY RIDER'S GRILL NOW WELCOMES PATCH HOLDERS  The New Mexico Confederation of Clubs is
celebrating their first victory!  For over a year, an Albuquerque, New Mexico restaurant
"Easy Rider's Grill" (no affiliation to Easyriders magazine) has had a sign posted
stating that club colors were not allowed in the restaurant.  As a result, the NMCOC had
established a boycott of the popular restaurant.  The NMCOC contacted the owner of the
restaurant and adjacent Easy Rider's Motorcycle shop about the offending sign, and is
pleased to announce that Reinhart "Rhino" Sherman, president of the NMCOC, managed to
convince him to remove the sign; therefore the NMCOC considers Easy Rider's Grill --
recently renamed "Rio Grande Big Dog" -- to be on the list of COC friendly places.

Members of the NMCOC recently visited Easy Rider's Grill to celebrate and thank the
owner, Clif Fodge.  "The COC was really pleased at how open Clif was to speaking with us
and resolving this issue," reports Rhino.  "I think most folks are willing to see us in
a positive light if we can just talk."

The NMCOC plans to use this event as a benchmark to convince other New Mexico eating and
drinking establishments to remove similar discriminatory signs.